-------------------------------------------------------------- README FILE FOR THE T.24 DIGITIZED IMAGE SET -------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE ----- ITU-T T.24 (06/1998) - Standardized digitized image set (CD-04 edition) Test images have played an important role throughout the development of Group 3 and Group 4 facsimile. This digitized test chart set has been prepared with the goal of providing a standard set of images to facsimile experimenters. The set includes images that have been used over the years plus new images that are applicable for gray scale and color. The standard set of images will provide a consistent baseline for further work; for example, results of compression algorithm experiments and image quality tests can be compared by a broad range of users, knowing that the input image data is identical This digitized test chart set is an integral part of ITU-T Rec. T.24 and is published with it. The two CD-ROMs include a set of digitized images with different resolutions. A detailed description is given in T.24 for each test chart. COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ----------------------------------- In order to preserve and protect its rights, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) fully retains all titles and rights in this software and does not sell any rights related thereto; it grants, however, the right to use the software by means of a licence not implying in any way any sale, renting or otherwise gain financial profit from making available the original software or any copy thereof. By the present licence, ITU grants users of the software a non-exclusive right to freely reproduce the information contained therein, so that it may be used for intended purposes only. Use of the software constitutes the agreement by users of the terms and conditions of the present notice. The present notice must be included in any copy of the software or the information contained therein. ITU CONTACTS ------------ For distribution of update software, please contact: Sales Department ITU Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneve 20 SUISSE email: sales@itu.int For reporting problems, please contact TSB helpdesk service at: TSB Helpdesk service ITU Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneve 20 SUISSE fax: +41 22 730 5853 email: tsbedh@itu.int USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: ------------------- The images can be viewed with any available viewer complying with the TIFF specification. Among others, there are the following shareware: VuePrint from Hamrick Software at http://www.hamrick.com and Paint Shop Pro at http://www.jasc.com. Located in the root directory of the first CD-ROM, you'll find the TIFF Specification Revision 6.0 in pdf format: Tiff6.pdf TIFF Specification Revision 6.0 The following copyright statement is included in the TIFF Specification Revision 6.0: (c) 1986-1988, 1992 Aldus Corporation. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage and the Aldus copyright notice appears. If the majority of the document is copied or redistributed, it must be distributed verbatim, without repagination or reformatting. To copy otherwise requires specific permission from the Aldus Corporation. CD-ROM CONTENTS: ---------------- The first CD-ROM contains the charts which were already included in 1994 version. The second CD-ROM contains the supplementary test charts introduced in 1998 edition. The files are organized as follows: CD-ROM 1: - IMAGE1 : A directory containing 1st CD-ROM test charts imgspec1.rtf : Image specification for CD-ROM1 in rtf format imgspec1.txt : Image specification for CD-ROM1 in txt format readme.txt : This file tiff6.pdf : TIFF specification revision 6.0 CD-ROM 2: - IMAGE2 : A directory containing 2nd CD-ROM test charts imgspec2.rtf : Image specification for CD-ROM2 in rtf format imgspec2.txt : Image specification for CD-ROM2 in txt format readme.txt : This file